The New Playbook - Q1-Q2 2021


Introducing new strategic opportunities, including products and services not traditionally offered to our customers, is new to GAS and it came with challenges and a learning curve. To address the challenges, Market Strategy initiated a project to identify, listen to, and learn from the cross-functional teams that play critical roles in the successful launch and delivery of new solutions.


The result was a Strategic Opportunity Development Playbook that outlines a rigorous, repeatable process and incorporates the needs and requirements of cross-functional teams to ensure a highly collaborative approach. It was accomplished by leveraging information collected during 60+ key stakeholder interviews from more than 15 enterprise-wide and local distribution company (LDC) teams. Then an extensive effort went into creating development processes, procedures, guidelines, go-to-market plans, a lifecycle management roadmap, and more.

As the playbook is introduced and adopted by the appropriate teams, it’s sure to vastly increase efficiencies and enable well-integrated and collaborative processes.